Revision for Library - May 5, 2024, 7:26 a.m.
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Various recreational written works about Threa are listed on this page. They have a multitude of forms, but they primarily consist of stories, short and long ones.

Threa Chronicles

This is a series of true tales from across Threan history, serving to showcase the world and its components in an entertaining rather than a purely neutral, factual fashion like the rest of the website.

Entries belonging to Threa Chronicles are sorted by their start dates in chronological, ascending order; the tales with the latest start dates are at the bottom.

482.1.05.2 – Tavra's Story – Sparking Passion

TC 482 az – Tavra's Story 01 (PDF), Author: Rackiera Kzera

A glimpse into Tavra Fangrender's childhood, this tale lays the foundation for her behavior in her later life. Dive into a short story that showcases how the Gren handle one of the greatest threats that can befall their settlements, using the Vandellan town Airelheim as an example – Tavra's place of hatching and raising. The happenings open Tavra's eyes to denied truths and fan her curiosity for the forbidden; a moment she shall never forget.